21st Century Crowns & Veneers
Course overview
Helping you deliver your own brand, same-day Crowns & Veneers from scan to 3D printing in a seamless workflow. The course will cover:
Diagnosis of teeth that need a crown
Smile design
Adhesive crowns and design – v – traditional design
Preparation techniques
Scanning crowns – soft tissue management
3D printing crowns – design in house and AI
Staining and glazing characteristics
Bonding techniques for adhesion
Fitting crowns
Who should attend?
Any member of the Practice Team that are competent with dental scanning (dentists, nurses and hygienists) but who may not be using the scanner to its full potential.
To empower dental staff to leverage their scanner to produce dental laboratory work in practice with the use of a 3D printer.
Face 2 Face courses will include both the clinical aspects as well as design and 3D printing element of the treatment modalities.
Initially the course will be run at HRS Dental Care but is flexible enough to be carried out at any practice – the hands on element will need a dental chair, light and dental handpieces.
Helping you deliver your own brand, same-day Crowns & Veneers from scan to 3D printing in a seamless workflow